Thank you Sally Rippin

Congratulations Alex

Since Alex finished reading his first chapter book, I really wanted to reach out to the author, Sally Rippin. It was my wish that Sally would respond with some encouraging words for Alex to keep reading.

What I received was all that and more. Sally Rippin wrote inspiring words to Alex and I was so grateful to share them with him.

Inspiring note from Sally

I crafted a shadow box so that Alex could remember Sally’s note forever. Check it out!

Alex’s Award

An Open Note to Alex

Today you finished reading The Big Adventure, by Sally Rippin.

This book had chapters and was 43 pages in length, the perfect beginning chapter book for you, Alex. You loved the plot and characters too.

You pushed through the longer, harder, unfamiliar words and did an excellent job!

Congratulations on completing your first chapter book, Alex. I am so proud of you!!!

Your teacher,
